Student membership registration

This form is for students wishing to join the Society under the special terms of up to one year's free membership for students who are NEW members and who have at least six months left on their academic course. Please use an academic email address if you have one.

You must provide a document proving that you have at least six months left on your course. In the event that this is not provided, your membership will be refused.

Your membership will be valid to 31st December of the year in which you join the Society, unless you join after 30 September, in which case your membership will be valid to the end of the following calendar year.

On expiry of your free membership you will be invited to renew your membership as a full, fee-paying member.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Membership registration

Personal information

Information about your studies

If you cannot find your institution, please add it in the next box
You must upload a document, in PDF format only, showing that you are a current student with at least six months left on your course.

Your membership

Choose the regions you wish to be associated with. You will receive information about events in those regions you tick.
By becoming a member, you are consenting to the Adjudication Society storing, using and processing, whether electronically or in hard copy, your personal data for the purposes described below. The Society confirms that, save as required by law or the requirements of a competent authority, it will not pass your personal information to any third party whatsoever without your consent. The Society will use this information to keep in contact with you for the purposes of notifying you of events, distributing news which may be of interest and the administration of the Society. The Society may also process data for the purposes connected with establishing, maintaining and administration of its membership and the provision of its services to the Society’s members and potential members. Your information may be stored on a server which is located outside of the United Kingdom. To satisfy the terms of the Data Protection Act & GDPR, please check this box to indicate your consent for the Society to store, use and process your personal data in this way.
We will occasionally send you emails from other organisations which the Adjudication Society considers of particular value to members. Please untick the box if you do not want any emails apart from newsletters and regional info as per your preferences above.