Executive Committee Elections 2015


Under Paragraphs 8.1 and 9.1.2 of the Society's Constitution but subject to Paragraph 9.2, the membership of the Executive Committee for 2015-2016 is required to be elected at the 2015 Annual General Meeting which is to be held during the Society's Conference on 5th November 2015.

The following Honorary Officers, namely the Chairman, the Senior Vice-Chairman, the Junior Vice-Chairman, the Honorary Treasurer and the Regional Co-ordinator, under Paragraph 9.2 of the Constitution, have signified their intention to serve for a second year.

The Honorary Office of Conference Organiser was left vacant at the 2014 Annual General Meeting and subsequently Len Bunton was co-opted by the Executive Committee to fill that position until the 2015 Annual General Meeting. The position of Conference Organiser, therefore is subject to election. The current ordinary members of the Executive Committee retire in rotation under Paragraph 9.2 of the Constitution but are eligible for re-election.

The position of Conference Organiser and the ordinary members of the Executive Committee are elected by electronic ballot of all paid up members through the Society's Website prior to the Annual General Meeting and confirmation of their election will be sought at the Annual General Meeting.

In order to meet the date of the Annual General Meeting, the following timetable will be implemented:

Any fully paid up member of the Society wishing to stand for election should indicate his/her intention to do so stating that he/she wishes to stand for the Honorary Officer position of Conference Organiser or as an ordinary member, to the Honorary Secretary (Susan Francombe) by email to susanf@no-red-tape-law.co.uk by 1700 hours on the closing date for nominations of 25th July 2015 in the case of nominations for the position of Conference Organiser or 24th September 2015 in respect of the ordinary members. His/her candidacy should be supported by two fully paid up members who should also notify the Honorary Secretary by email of their support.

If more than one properly nominated person stands for the position of Conference Organiser and/or more than 8 properly nominated persons stand for the ordinary member seats on the Executive Committee, an election will be held. Each of the candidates should therefore provide with his/her notification of intention to stand to the Honorary Secretary, again by email, a short election statement (maximum 100 words). This will, if necessary, be displayed on the Website and linked to the names of the person standing for election.

To the extent that any election is necessary, Richard Bayfield and Martin Potter will act as joint Returning Officers.

Voting by fully paid up members of the Society will take place electronically through the Website between 9th August 2015 and 30th August 2015 in respect of the Conference Organiser and between 8th October 2015 and 29th October 2015 for the ordinary members.

On or before 6th September 2015, the joint Returning Officers will sign the results and notify the Chairman and the Honorary Secretary of the result of any ballot for the position of Conference Organiser. This result will be posted on the website. On or before 5th November 2015 the joint Returning Officers will sign the results and notify the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting of the result of any ballot for the ordinary membership of the Executive Committee.

On 5th November 2015 results of the ballot for the ordinary membership of the Executive Committee will be announced at and approval sought for the result of both elections from the Annual General Meeting. Approval will also be sought for any uncontested position at the Annual General Meeting.

Martin Potter
Authorised by the Executive Committee
28th June 2015

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