Meet the Adjudicator

 Registration is closed for this event
A panel of adjudicators will share stories of their journey to qualifying as an adjudicator, getting onto a panel and their thoughts as to how the diversity of adjudicators might be improved.

Welcome Address: Jessica Evans, Burges Salmon LLP
Chair: Morwenna Crichton, Yelland Savage


  • Trevor Drury, Barrister at 12 Old Square Chambers 
  • Jane Ryland, Solicitor at Ryland Construction Law Services  
  • Veronique Buehrlen KC, Barrister at Keating Chambers  
  • Susan Francombe, Engineer and Barrister at The Business of Building  
  • Christopher Smart - Architect at Smartarch
  • Sean Gibbs - Quantum Expert and CEO at Hanscombe Intercontinental 


  • 5pm – Registration
  • 5.30pm – welcome address Jessica Evans
  • 5.40pm to 7pm – Panel presentations and discussion
  • 7pm onwards – Networking opportunity with refreshments

This event is kindly sponsored by Burges Salmon LLP.

See also the flyer below.

June 20th, 2023 from  5:30 PM to  9:00 PM
Burges Salmon LLP
One Glass Wharf
Bristol, BS2 0ZX
United Kingdom
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City Bristol
Flyer 2023_06_20_Bristol_Flyer.pdf