In April this year, the London Branch of the Society put forward to the national Executive Committee of the Society a paper (drafted by Delia Dumaresq) proposing that the adjudication Society itself consider establishing a training/qualification standard and code of practice for adjudicators.
Articles in the 2005/November Newsletter
Displaying 6 itemsThe last few months have seen very significant developments in the TCC, all of them good and all of which have had the enthusiastic support of TECBAR and TeCSA and the other users of the Court.
With autumn upon us the activities of the Society are again starting after the summer recess. It is encouraging to see so many diverse activities being carried out in the regions, some of which are currently small.
I am very pleased to have been asked by the Society to edit the Newsletter for the next few editions.
It is often said that a particular contractual obligation has been waived so that a party can succeed in the teeth of what, apparently, he agreed to do.
Adjudication has been an outstanding success in so far as it has largely solved the problem that it was introduced for, which was to redress the balance between payer and payee by in troducing an objective independent certification of the sum due instead of an often subjective decision by either