
Articles in the 2013/September Newsletter

Displaying 7 items

The executive committee is settling in well. I am still Acting Hon Sec; any volunteers to act as Hon Sec are welcome to email me. Richard Booth has been confirmed as the member of the Committee to replace the very long serving Tim Willis as regional coordinator.

Whilst some nominating bodies distance themselves from investigating the charge out rates levied by adjudicators, complaints do arise as to the overall amount charged and/or time spent by an adjudicator in the conduct of a matter.

As some of you will know the introduction of a statutory basis for adjudication in the Republic of Ireland has had a long gestation. Now, the Construction Contracts Act 2013 (“the Construction Contracts Act”) has been enacted in the Republic on the 29 July 2013.

The Brothers Grimm collection of Fairy Tales includes a tale about a tailor with “seven with one blow” embroidered on his belt, to explain that he had killed several flies with one stroke when they attacked his jam.

For many years now, the Technology and Construction Bar Association (“TECBAR”) has administered ADR panels of its members in the fields of arbitration, adjudication, mediation and dispute resolution boards.

This is my third article on the basics of adjudication.

The focus of this quarter’s newsletter is upon the Referral process itself. In the third of James Golden’s excellent Back to Basics series, readers will find a useful guide and refresher to the process by which parties can get their dispute into the hands of an adjudicator.