
Articles in the 2006/May Newsletter

Displaying 6 items

The Court of Appeal decision last year in Bowman -v- Fels not only provided very useful guidance for litigators but has also gone some way towards alleviating the concerns of other dispute resolvers, including adjudicators, about the extent of their obligations under UK anti-money launde

The main concern for adjudication continues to be the Government’s consideration of amendments to the Construction Act and the Scheme.

Many thanks to those of you who have been sending in your questions about various issues arising in adjudication to our panel of experts. The email address (which is also on the website) is qanda@

On 20 March 2006 Jackson J. gave judgment in M Rohde Construction v. Nicholas Markham David [2006] EWHC 814 (TCC). This case concerned a claim to enforce an adjudication decision. The application before Jackson J.

The appeal by Sir Roy Meadow has hit the headlines. Has this case anything to do with the day to day life of a professional who sometimes has to give advice? In my view, yes.

Increasingly the lie is being put to the notion that adjudication provides rough and ready justice, quickly and cheaply. It may be rough and ready. Whether it is justice depends upon your standpoint.