
Articles in the 2008/February Newsletter

Displaying 10 items

This is a bumper edition of the Newsletter.

This edition of the Newsletter is, I think, particularly interesting. The theme might be said to be “complaints.”

Established in 1998, Glasgow Caledonian University is home to the Adjudication Reporting Centre.

Many readers will know me as a Party Representative, in which capacity I have been privileged to meet and learn from several eminent Adjudicators, Solicitors and Barristers.

Many readers will know me as a Party Representative, in which capacity I have been privileged to meet and learn from several eminent Adjudicators, Solicitors and Barristers.

Complaints series

This is the second in our series of articles dealing with complaints against adjudicators.

Complaint No.2“the adjudicator failed to give reasons or gave inadequate reasons”

It is not uncommon to hear negative comments from parties or their representatives based upon their experiences of adjudication. Some of the most common of such views relate to the cost of the process.

The London Region held the second part of its myths and legends panel event at the offices of Nabarro in November 2007 and we once again managed to assemble an expert panel representing the complete life cycle of an adjudication.

A belated and happy new year to all members, I hope the year will be a prosperous one despite the continued doom and gloom that is reported in the media.

The Society’s sixth annual conference took place on 15th November 2007 in London.