Back in the day, when adjudication enforcement cases were first coming before the courts, and practitioners and Judges were regularly grappling with issues which were new, in the legal sense of being without precedent or guidance, one of the major areas of contention, was what actually constituted the dispute in question.
Articles in the 2018/December Newsletter
Displaying 7 itemsI was recently talking over lunch with a solicitor who regularly represents small and medium sized contractors in adjudications. The direction of our conversation turned to the subject of adjudicators nominated by ANBs.
The second part of an article begun in the Summer 2018 edition of this newsletter.
To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making. (Otto Von Bismark, 1869)
Another great conference! Well organised – especially occurring the day after the decision in Grove was handed down; could not have been much better timed.
The year 2017 witnessed considerable development in case law on statutory adjudication in Malaysia.