An interview in our series, 'Spotlighting Adjudicators'

What were you, professionally, before you started work as an Adjudicator?
A practising barrister, with experience in commercial law generally and with considerable experience of commercial and construction disputes.
How in your view has adjudication changed over your career?
The perception of it has changed. Adjudication’s advantages, as well as its relevance to parties in the construction industry have become clearer. Commercial people inevitably respond to its rapid and cost-effective systems, and many take great confidence from decisions made by similarly minded, but distinctly independent, experts in their shared field.
What advice would you give to ‘new’ adjudicators?
Take on board Coulson LJ’s seven golden rules for adjudicators. They are an excellent guide now, just as they were in 2010 when first presented to the SCL. He starts with the key message: it’s all about ensuring that where appropriate, payments get to the right people at the right time.