The full text of articles is available to Adjudication Society members only. If you are a member, please log in if you have not already done so. If you would like to join the Society, click here.
Austin Williams explains why architects should learn about the law and dispute resolution.
James O’Donoghue considers the Irish Construction Contracts Act 2013 – plus ça change…?
Claire King explains what is – and is not – needed to lodge a notice of dissatisfaction under the NEC.
James O’Donoghue casts Irish eyes on a recent TCC decision.
Trevor Drury sweeps through his top tips for adjudications.
Len Bunton explains the Conflict Avoidance Protocol and its development in England and Ireland.
Morwenna Crichton reports on the launch of the New Practitioners' Group.
Peter Barnes sketches out the treatment of LADs in the new JCT DB 2024 form.
Notes from the Editors, Douglas James and Benedict Morillo
Morwenna Crichton updates on the progress made by the Society’s ad hoc and formal mentoring schemes.
Peter McLean-Buechel considers whether and how to exhaust jurisdiction.
In this podcast, David Sawtell explores ‘fresh’ delay claims and whether a time-consuming fresh dispute would be raised in response.
Joanne Chase and Robert Patterson of Clarion Solicitors look at the law on indemnity costs in enforcement proceedings following Sleaford Building Services Ltd v Isoplus Piping Systems Ltd [2023] EWHC 1643 (TCC), examining whether and in what circumstances indemnity costs will be awarded against a party defending enforcement proceedings.