There is something rather satisfying about having to defend a claim which subsequently concludes with the claimant party paying out money to your defendant client. Can this desirable outcome be achieved within a single adjudication? What scope is there for a counterclaim?
Articles in the 2006/February Newsletter
Displaying 6 itemsIt seems that a chilly wind may be blowing through the corridors of adjudication enforcement at the Technology and Construction Court.
One of the relentless trends which has accompanied the march of Adjudication has been the increasing complexity and size of cases.
One of the relentless trends which has accompanied the march of Adjudication has been the increasing complexity and size of cases.
The DTI has published its proposals on changes to the Act and the Scheme following last years consultation. The major proposals concern the payment provisions. Sensibly they have taken the point that the payment procedure should start with an application for payment.
In this edition of the Newsletter, we want to introduce a new idea which we hope will be of interest to all those involved in adjudication.