In advance of the Society's AGM on 30 November 2023, the Committee invites nominations from fully paid up Members for election to the Honorary Officer positions on the Committee (Chair, Senior Vice-Chair, Junior Vice-Chair, Honorary Treasurer, Regional Coordinator, Honorary Secretary and Conference Organiser). Some of the existing Honorary Officers have indicated an intention to re-stand in the election.
Nominations must be received by the Secretary (Richard Booth – before 10 August 2023. Each nomination must be supported by two fully paid up members, one as proposer and the other as a seconder. Nominees may support their nomination with an Election Statement of not more than 100 words.
In the event of a contested election for Honorary Officer positions, a ballot will be held in accordance with the Society's Constitution.
The Constitution provides for a different nomination timeline for General Member positions on the Committee. In due course, a separate communication will be sent in accordance with that timeline inviting nominations from fully paid up Members to stand as General Members of the Committee.
The Honorary Secretary
26 July 2023